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***Pearls from the Vilna Gaon*** – on Middos (character traits)

Pearls from the Vilna Gaon – on Middos (character traits), reprinted with the kind authorization of:

***Pearls from the Vilna Gaon***

on Middos

(character traits)

translated by Rabbi Yosef Peretz

Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna, commonly known as the Gaon (literally “genius”) was probably the most influential Jewish leader in modern history. He never assumed any official position of leadership and spent his time in almost total isolation toiling day and night in torah study. He became the undisputed greatest torah scholar and kabbalist in modern history.

selected translations on Middos

Midos Tovos (good traits) are more than everything. As we said that the midos tovos were not written in the torah because they include the entire torah. As it says “whoever gets angry, it is considered as if he served idols.” and “anyone who speaks lashon hara it is as if he was kofer beikar” (denies the essence of judaism, considered the greatest sin) and shalom is the great klal to all the midos, and it is the garment of all the midos. And this is what is written “the Holy One Blessed be He could not find a vessel to hold a blessing for yisrael except shalom”. This means the vessel needs to be capable to receive everything. And HKBH could not find one capable of receiving except shalom, which is the garment of all the middos, and the middos are the klal (general principles) of all the mitzvos. Therefore He blessed them with shalom, so that they would pe capable of receiving the torah. (Esther 10:3)

“tzadik b’emunaso yichye” (a tzadik will live with his faith), which means – a tzadik is one who has hitzdik nafsho in the mida of histapkus (habituated his soul in the trait of being content with little), the opposite of chemda (covet), as it is written “the tzadik eats to sustain his spirit” (i.e. just enough). And emuna is bitachon. And bitachon and histapkus are great klalim to all the middos. (Chavakuk 2:4)

(the main kavana (intent) during prayer, even for material things is to give pleasure to the Creator, may He be blessed, because when a man is suffering, He (G-d) also suffers, so one is like requesting on His (G-d’s) suffering, so to speak.)
Ikar kavanato bekol tefila vafilu bakashot gashmius shyhy n”r mze lhaBore yisborach shekesheadam mitztaer…ulevakesh al tzaaro kebyachol (tzivuyei hagra#99)

There are 2 bad middos. 1 – that one learns with pniyos (self-serving motives), and it is hevel v’rik (vanity and empty), and this is what is written “vtam larik kochachem” because he learns all his days and everything was lerik (for nothing). The second is that he learns leshem shamayim and afterwards does not learn at all. This is what we pray for “lo nagia lerik”, which is corresponding to those with bad motives, and “velo nelech lebehala” which corresponds to he who learns with good thoughts and then stops, this is behala. (esther 8:6)

(esther 5:1) Ruach hakodesh can only rest on a broken body (guf shabur).

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