Posts Tagged Rosh Yeshiva

Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Yisrael Noach ben Yitzchak Mattisyahu Weinberg

Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Yisrael Noach ben Yitzchak Mattisyahu Weinberg

It is with great sadness and disbelief — to announce that beloved Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Yisrael Noach ben Yitzchak Mattisyahu Weinberg – passed away this morning, Feb 5/ Shevat 11.

Rabbi Weinberg was a Jewish leader and visionary par excellence. Every fiber of his being was animated by the reality of the Almighty and the truth of Torah. He lived with the awareness of G-d — His infinite love and awesomeness — and the power of Torah to instruct us on how to live a most meaningful life.

Rabbi Weinberg dedicated his life to bringing a renaissance within Jewish people, to reach out to every Jew and reconnect him to the depth and meaning of our heritage. The Jewish people are meant to be a light unto nations; Rabbi Weinberg undertook the task to galvanize the Jewish people and inspire us to live up to our mission and be Kiddush Hashem – to sanctify G-d’s Name in this world.

“The hidden things are for Hashem, our G-d, but the revealed things are for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this Torah” (Deut. 29:28). Rabbi Weinberg lived with the reality that the all the revealed things are our responsibility. If masses of Jews are assimilating, it’s our responsibility to bring each and every one back.

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The Vilna Gaon: Are You a “Lamdan”?

The Vilna Gaon: Are You a “Lamdan”?, reprinted with the kind permission of:

When we were in Yeshiva one of our Rebbe’im would joke that there are two kinds of bochurim in the Shiur. There is the “Rosh Yeshiva” and the “Rosh Yeshiva Type”. The Rosh Yeshiva was the bochur who would sit and learn all day, ask questions, and was the best boy in the Shiur. The Rosh Yeshiva “type” would spend all his time giving drashos about the Chashivus of learning and the Chavivus HaTorah, etc. but he was so busy “darshening” that you never actually saw him sitting in front of a Gemara learning.

It is said in the name of the Vilna Gaon that a Lamdan is not someone who is smart and “knows” how to learn, a Lamdan is someone who actually does learn. Just like the word means; Lomed, to learn. He proves this from the word “Gazlan”. No one is called a Gazlan because he is smart and knows how to steal. You are only a Gazlan if you actually steal.

No matter what you do, where you come from, or who you are, you can open up your gemara and earn yourself the coveted title “Lamdan”!

The Vilna Gaon: Are You a “Lamdan”?, reprinted with the kind permission of:

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