Aryeh’s DIARY, 3rd – 5th Tammuz 5769


Attributes of the month of Tammuz: Ruling permutation of the letters of HAVAYAH: KEH VAV KEH YOD, contained in the concluding Hebrew letters of zeH einenU shoveH lI, "…this is not of worth to me…" (Esther 5:13). The month’s corresponding letter is: CHET; Human attribute: VISION; Body Part: RIGHT HAND; Tribe: REUVEN; Constellation: SARTAN (Cancer, the Crab).

Today is the Yahrzeit of Yosef HaTzaddik (the biblical Joseph).

Wednesday night-Thursday 24-25 June / 3 Tammuz

On this day Joshua caused the sun to stop in Giv’on and the moon in Emek Ayalon in his war against the kings of Canaan.
The three day massacre of Jews in Uman, Uikraine commenced in 1768.
Today is the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe (1902-1994).

Friday night-Saturday 26-27 June / 5 Tammuz
Israel Shabbat Parshat Chukas

Shabbat Parshat CHUKAS:
Torah Reading: Numbers 19:1-22:1 giving the laws of the Red Heiffer and recounting the closing stages of the Children of Israel’s journey to their Land and their miraculous conquests of the Emorites and Bashan; Haftara: Judges 11:1-33.
Diaspora Shabbat Parshat KORACH:
Torah Reading: Numbers 16:1-18:32 telling of Korach’s conspiracy against Moses and Aaron and giving the laws of the priestly and Levitical gifts. Haftara: I Samuel 11:14-12:22

SOURCE: - Torah for Our Time

Azamra means “I will sing” (Psalms 146:2)

“And the way to sing the song of joy is by seeking the good in all people, especially in ourselves. Each good point is one more note in the song of life!”

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

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