Archive for April 26, 2008

Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Rushed to Surgery Friday Night

The following excerpts of “Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Rushed to Surgery Friday Night” from “Arutz“, brethren, please include HaRav Mordechai Tzemach ben Mazal Tov in your tefilot, for his full recovery.

Rabbi Mordechai Eliyah

( Former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu was rushed to Shaarei Tzedek hospital late Friday night with a heart attack. The Rabbi underwent a 6-hour surgery which began with a bypass and included an additional procedure. Doctors say the surgery was successful.

After midnight Friday, the Rabbi was feeling bad and having difficulty breathing. His wife summoned a neighbor who is a nurse to his home in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood of Jerusalem. An ambulance was called and the Rabbi was taken to the hospital at about 2 a.m.

According to one report, Rabbi Eliyahu also is suffering from fluids in his lungs.

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