Archive for April 9, 2008

The Internal Dimension of Guarding One’s Eyes

From The Tale of the Lost Princess
Part 23 from The Garden of Yearning

By Rabbi Shalom Arush
Translated by Rabbi Lazer Brody.

The internal dimension of guarding one’s eyes is emuna, when one says to himself, “I live my life with Hashem, there is no one other than Him, what else is there to see?”

Such an individual realizes that every thought, utterance, and deed in life should be according to Hashem’s will.

Since Hashem commanded us to close our eyes, then that’s exactly what we should do! Rabbi Eliahu Lapian of blessed memory said that our forefather Abraham didn’t lift his eyes from his immediate two square meters all the days of his life.

In contrast, let’s look at Esau. The Torah also says (ibid, chapter 33) that Esau “lifted his eyes.

” But what did he see? “…and he saw the women.”

Read complete essay.

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