Archive for March 16, 2008

From the Well of Kindness


by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook

There are people great in Torah [learning], fear of heaven and wisdom, to whom matters relating to the secrets of the Torah have no relevance, because they are on that great level and possess a breadth of resources with which to occupy their spirit in the treasures of revealed Torah and wisdom.

If you instead sense within yourself an inner sensitivity to the paths of mysteries and a pressure of the yearning of your soul, do not be dismayed.

Even if it grows clear that you have this desire because your ability in revealed matters is minimal, what of it? This is, in the end, the gift of your inheritance.

Rejoice in your portion, for Hashem is close to all who call to Him; who call to him truly and whole-heartedly.

And He does not favour the wealthy in relationship to the poor(Iyov 34:19).
Orot Hatorah 10:4

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Divorce in Preparation for War

“Chazal say that the evil inclination is called our enemy since he is always trying different strategies to cause us to fall into gehinnom. The yetzer hara has many methods to overcome us. Sometimes he uses money; by chasing money or some other worldly need, one can lose a lot of valuable zechuyos. A person might forgo davening with a minyan, he might be tempted to take interest, or steal, or cheat, or even violate the holy Shabbos!

The Gemara in Kesuvos 9b states that the custom was for Jewish soldiers to give their wives a writ of divorce before going into battle.

Read complete article.

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